
Over the years, I’ve been interviewed for various things, especially my many Cloudscape projects.

Labyrinths of the Mind – Graphic Novels and Mental Health

Joe Pugh, People First Radio. September 25, 2022.

I’m interviewed on People First Radio (affiliated with the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society) to talk about what inspired me to create an anthology of mental health comics, to make my own story a retelling of a Welsh Arthurian Romance, and why I feel comics are especially well-suited to explore mental health issues.

I was really fascinated that [a believable exploration of intense depression] was in this medieval story, and its connection to my own culture fascinated me too, so that’s what I was really interested in expressing in the anthology.

Bevan Thomas, “Labyrinths of the Mind – Graphic Novels and Mental Health.”

Excalibur #47: “Come One and All to the Ugly Bug-Eyed Monster Ball”

Anna Peppard, Christopher “Mav” Maverick, and J. Andrew Deman, The Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, Oh Wow! Podcast. February 5, 2022.

I’m brought on as a special guest to the Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, Oh Wow! podcast, which discussed the Excalibur comic book issue-by-issue. With the three hosts, I explore Excalibur #47, “Come One and All to the Ugly Bug-Eyed Monster Ball,” and I put my vast knowledge of King Arthur lore to good use as we analyze the character Merlyn, manipulative mentor to the Excalibur hero Captain Britain, and the ways in which Merlyn engages with the legends of King Arthur’s Merlin.

Brian [Captain Britain] is a good English boy. He read Malory growing up. He probably dreamed of being a knight as a kid. There’s this idea that Merlyn is building upon this cultural expectation—of little Brian wanting to be a knight, of wanting a father to take care of him, reading The Sword in the Stone, where Merlin is, effectively, the father figure to young King Arthur. There’s a sense that maybe Merlyn exploits that, with Brian and with the entire Captain Britain Corps.

Bevan Thomas, “Come One and All to the Ugly Bug-Eyed Monster Ball.”

Creators of Through the Labyrinths of the Mind Explore Stories of Mental Health Struggle, Insight and Triumph

John Swinimer, True North Country Comics Podcast. April 15, 2021.

Hannah Myers and I are interviewed on how we created Through the Labyrinths of the Mind, our anthology on mental health.

I want people who have wrestled with their own mental health issues to feel a sense of kinship with what they encounter [in Through the Labyrinths of the Mind], and also a sense of empowerment. All the stories in the book are ultimately stories of… people who deal with their inner demons and are able to rise above them.

Bevan Thomas, “Creators of Through the Labyrinths of the Mind Explore Stories.”

Kickstarter in the Community: Animals, Artists, and the Vancouver Comic Scene

Cheryl Minns, The Other Press. May 5, 2015.

An article about the various contributors to Mega Fauna, Cloudscape’s anthology of all-ages animal stories.

I think the animal theme encouraged us to go off in a more all-ages direction by suggesting certain stories more than others…. The animal theme moved us more into the direction of pet relationships, the environment, wanting to belong, and other themes that children are more interested in.

Bevan Thomas, “Kickstarter in the Community.”

Epic Canadiana on NXNW

Sheryl MacKay, CBC’s North by Northwest radio show. April 1, 2014.

I’m interviewed about Epic Canadiana, my series of anthologies about Canadian superheroes.

That nostalgia and fascination inspired me and other people at Cloudscape Comics to put together our own book that pays tribute to these classic characters…. All the writers and artists who got involved in the project really recognized the term ‘superhero’ is really such a wide term, and can include not only so many different kinds of characters but so many different kinds of genres.

Bevan Thomas, “Epic Canadiana on NXNW”

Sunset: Comics Club Floats on Fantasy

Cheryl Rossi, The Vancouver Courier. October 10, 2013.

I talk about how I got involved with Cloudscape, and touch on various Cloudscape projects.

We just want to inspire our members to go off on their own directions and to really bring their own passions and their own ideas and their own ways of approaching the medium into the organization, then use the organization as a springboard to go off in their own directions.

Bevan Thomas, “Sunset: Comics Club Floats on Fantasy”

Heads in the Clouds: Jeff Ellis and Bevan Thomas Dream Big as Members of Cloudscape Comics Society

Jason Wilkins, Broken Frontier. May 9, 2013.

Cloudscape creator Jeff Ellis and myself discuss Cloudscape Comics and why it is important to the Vancouver comics community.

[Cloudscape allowed me to] network with a lot of artists, resulting in a lot of fruitful collaborations. It also allowed me to become prominently connected with the local comics community as a whole, gave me a venue for getting my work published, and allowed me to receive feedback and advice from numerous established comic creators.

Bevan Thomas, “Heads in the Clouds”