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You’re invited to the launch party of Giants of Main Street, the latest graphic novel anthology from Cloudscape Comics. Come and meet the hub of Vancouver’s indy graphic novel artists, including veteran underground cartoonist Colin Upton, VanCAF organizer Shannon Campbell, Xeric grant winners Jonathon Dalton and Steve LeCouilliard, and Toren Atkinson (vocalist and lyricist for horror-themed rock band Darkest of the Hillside Thickets).

And of course, I’ll be there too. I wrote two of the stories in Giants, including “Fallen Star,” the story of the Minotaur, a tale I’m especially proud of. I also collected and wrote the book’s bestiary, which was a lot of fun. I’ve always loved playing around with fabulous beasts and impossible creatures. And I was the copyeditor. So definitely a project I’ve been heavily involved with.

When: Wednesday, August 1, from 6:00-8:00 PM.

Where: The Cultch, Vancouver East Cultural Centre, 1895 Venables, downtown.

Cost: Free! All are welcome to attend!

We’ll be selling signed copies of Giants of Main Street and our other books, and there’ll be a gallery showing of our members’ art.

Come take a look!